I'm researching all Edtech acquisitions that have taken place over the last several years and tracking them here. This list will be updated frequently.
168 Edtech Deals | Last Updated: February 13th, 2025
Barbri acquired SkillBurst Interactive, a digital learning company specializing in customizable, on-demand e-learning solutions for law firms.
Lumivero acquired ATLAS.ti, a leading provider of computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software used by researchers to analyze complex unstructured data, including text, images, audio, and video.
TouchMath acquired Classworks, a K-12 special education and tiered intervention platform that delivers personalized learning experiences through academic screeners, math and reading interventions, progress monitoring, and data analytics.
Munetrix merged with SchoolData Solutions, an education technology company known for its innovative data tools and software solutions that streamline school data sources and drive best-in-class insights.
Transit Technologies acquired Bytecurve, a student transportation management software company known for its platform that streamlines scheduling, dispatch, time and attendance, and payroll processes for school districts and bus operators.
Roper Technologies acquired Transact Campus, a campus technology and payment solutions, offering services such as campus ID software, secure access, tuition and fees software, payment processing, and point-of-sale campus commerce solutions.
KEV Group acquired Gray Step Software, a provider of web-based accounting solutions for student bodies, boosters, and PTAs, known for their ASBWorks, PTEZ, and Booster Finance software solutions.
Aceable acquired Real Estate Institute, a provider of professional licensing education for real estate, insurance, and mortgage professionals, known for delivering high-quality courses to over 195,000 alumni nationwide.
IXL Learning acquired Carson Dellosa Education, a well-known publisher of educational materials, including workbooks, hands-on learning resources, and classroom supplies.
Summer acquired Vault, a financial wellness company that provided student loan repayment services, 529 college savings plan contributions, and student loan retirement matching for over 3,000 employers and 401(k) recordkeepers.
Procare Solutions acquired Bertelsen Education, a professional development company that provides continuing education training for Early Childhood Education (ECE) child care providers.
KKR acquired Instructure, the company behind the widely used learning management system - Canvas.
Teaching Strategies acquired Cognitive ToyBox, a research-driven assessment platform that develops five-minute per week, game-based assessments designed to capture developmental progress directly from children.
Intelvio acquired the Professional Crisis Management Association (PCMA), a crisis management training and certification company that serves educators and human service professionals in schools, treatment facilities, and hospitals.
Sdui acquired FoxEducation, an Austrian company offering digital solutions to simplify communication and administrative tasks, including the SchoolFox app for schools, KidsFox for preschools, and TeamFox for clubs.
Prometric acquired EdPower, a provider of cloud-based solutions for K-12 schools, known for its customizable assessment platform, instructional management tool, data visualization platform, and continuing education tool for teachers.
Proximity Learning acquired Coursemojo's virtual class business, which had partnered with over 30 U.S. school districts to provide virtual learning alternatives and expand high school course options.
D2L acquired H5P Group, a provider of interactive content creation software that helps educators develop engaging course materials.
Instructure acquired Scribbles, a provider of credentialing and records management solutions for K-12 school districts across the United States.
Raptor Technologies acquired PayK12, a provider of online ticketing and payment solutions for K-12 schools and athletics. PayK12's platform enables schools to securely process payments for events, fees, camps, lunch programs, and fundraising activities.
TicTac Group acquired Skillhabit, a Swedish company that develops a platform for creating and delivering learning experiences powered by artificial intelligence.
StraighterLine acquired ProSolutions Training, a professional development division of Care Solutions, Inc. that provides training for early childhood educators.
Texthelp merged with n2y, a provider of behavior and communication solutions with an IEP development and management tool.
Cornerstone acquired Tailspin, an AI virtual learning platform that offers VR training, AR performance support and skills analytics solutions.
Skillshare acquired Superpeer, a content creation platform that helps users create online courses and manage livestreams.
Ellucian acquired EduNav, a student academic planning and optimization software for the higher education market.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt acquired Writable, an instruction and assessment tool for K-12 writing education.
iGrad acquired Financial Fitness Group, a financial content platform for financial advisors.
Peterson's acquired RMC Learning Solutions, a provider of project management, business analysis and agile training services.
Follett School Solutions acquired Livingtree, a fundraising platform for schools.
PowerSchool acquired Allovue, a software platform that K-12 school districts create and manage budgets.
Learning Pool acquired OnScreen, a digital adoption platform providing employees with tutorials, workflows and support.
Instructure acquired Parchment, an official transcript and credentialing platform with over 15,000 customers. Parchment has exchanged over 165 million credentials.
Discovery Education acquired DreamBox Learning, a PK-12 edtech company focused primarily on math, that serves over 6,000,000 students.
360Learning acquired eLamp,an AI-powered skills platform focused on manufacturing and highly technical industries.
Powerschool acquired SchoolMessenger, a provider of tools to reach parents across all communication channels for emergency alerts, permission slips, waivers and student safety.
University of Idaho acquired University of Phoenix, a for-profit University with over 75,000 enrolled students.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt acquired NWEA, a K-12 learning outcomes and assessment company.
Renaissance Learning acquired GL Education, expanding it's assessment and learning analytics offering.
Alliant Insurance Services acquired KnowledgeVine, a leader in human performance improvement.
Voxy acquired Fluentify, who specializes in language training for professionals.
Synova acquired Learnlight, Learnlight, an innovative digital language and skills training provider.
Parchment acquired Quottly, a course and program sharing platform for colleges and universities
Regent acquired Pearson Online, an online program management (OPM) company that provides customized marketing, enrollment and student support services for universities.
Vital Source Technologies acquired Akademos, a online, custom bookstore solution for institutions.
Physics Wallah acquired Knowledge Planet Centre, an entrance exam preparation institution.
Uworld acquired Efficient Learning, who provides computer-based exam reviews for students.
Paper acquired Readlee, an AI speech SaaS platform to enhance reading capability.
OMNES Education acquired Datascientest, an online school in Data, Tech, and Cybersecurity.
Savvas Learning acquired Whooo's Reading, an AI that helps students improve reading comprehension.
Atairos acquired LifeLabs Learning, creators of Manager CORE training - an upskilling platform for employees and managers used by over 2,000 organizations.
School Specialty acquired FlagHouse, a supplier of physical education products and equipment to camps.
Excolere Equity Partners acquired EPS School Specialty, a leading PreK–12 curriculum company providing supplemental ELA and math solutions.
IXL Learning acquired Teachers Pay Teachers, an online marketplace for teachers to buy, sell and share educational materials.
MeTEOR Education acquired Blankenship Associates, a provider of educational ecosystem development services.
95 Percent Group acquired Tools 4 Reading, a provider of training resources that combines the science of reading and classroom practice.
Semrush acquired Traffic Think Tank, a marketing education company and community.
Providence Equity Partners acquired Accelerate Learning, a provider of STEM curriculum for the K-12 education.
EMZ Partners acquired Aspire Education, a provider of orientation and application coaching, IT trainings, seminars and high school exchange programs across 80 locatioins in Austria and Germany.
Study.com acquired Enhanced Prep, a private virtual tutoring company.
Valsoft acquired Kivuto Solutions, providing academic digital asset distribution and management solutions to educational institutions.
Imagine Learning acquired Winsor Learning, a supplemental literacy products company.
The Vistria Group acquired Really Great Reading, a web-based literacy skills curriculum for K-3 students.
Uptime Institute acquired Academia Group, a technical education company for the digital infrastructure industry.
Craftsman Capital acquired MSB School Services, a special education consulting firm.
Leeds Equity acquired Talent Neuron, a company that operates a labor market analytics tool for human resources leaders.
SilverTree acquired Thesis, a cloud based system that provides student information management for higher ed.
Vista Equity acquired KnowBe4, a global security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, used by more than 56,000 customers.
7 Mindsets acquired xSEL Labs, an assessments solution to measure students’ social and emotional learning.
Progility acquired TSG Training, an IT and software training company.
ParentSquare acquired Gabbart Communications, a website and content management system.
Polar Peak Capital acquired Transtech, a CDL training school and testing administrator.
Noodle acquired Hubble Studios, an international company that develops online education content and technology.
CompTIA acquired TestOut, a training company that prepares students for IT certifications.
7 Mindsets acquired BASE Education, a student social-emotional learning (SEL) and mental health platform.
Axcel acquired Accelebrate, an IT training company.
The Stepping Stones Group acquired Catalyst Speech Language Pathology, a California-based provider of speech-language pathology services to schools.
Smith System acquired Driving Dynamics, who provides driver safety training services to corporate fleet drivers.
Wolters Kluwer Health acquired NurseTim, an NCLEX test prep company.
University of Redlands acquired Presidio Graduate School, a non-profit University offering MBA and MPA programs.
Higher Education Association acquired SoFlo SAT Tutoring, an SAT and ACT preparation company.
Forj acquired Web Courseworks, the makers of the learning management system CourseStage.
360training.com acquired AdvanceOnline Solutions, a video-based content provider that helps companies comply with federal health and safety regulations.
Physics Wallah acquired iNeuron Intelligence, an India-based provider of affordable online tech courses.
Avista Capital acquired Spear Education, a provider of digital and in-person clinical training for dentists.
Leeds Equity Partners acquired e.Republic, a media, research, data, and events company.
Vistage Worldwide acquired EGN, a global peer group for business executives with over 16,000 members.
Leeds Equity Partners acquired e.Republic, a media, research, data, and events company.
Instructure acquired LearnPlatform, an edtech management platform that helps educators manage and measure the impact of their digital learning tools.
Truelearn acquired APEX Anesthesia Review, an exam preparation company for student registered nurse anesthetist and continuing education for current nurse anesthetists.
Follett School Solutions acquired Access-It Software, an international global library management system with over 4,000 customers.
Apogee Telecom acquired Cumulus Technology Services, a provider of secure cloud services for higher education and an AWS Consulting Partner.
SchoolStatus acquired Smore, a K-12 email newsletter provider serving 1 million educators across 10,000 schools.
McGraw-Hill Education acquired Boards and Beyond, an on-demand video library and comprehensive resource for medical students to learn basic sciences and clinical medicine.
Top Hat acquired Aktiv Learning, a developer of interactive problem solving activities, assessments, and other learning resources for STEM students.
Global University Systems acquired FutureLearn, an online education platform that offers access to courses from leading universities and organizations.
LRN Corporation acquired Compliance Learning (Thomson Reuters), a global compliance education and training company.
Simplilearn Solutions acquired Fullstack Academy, a New York-based software development school specializing in - development, cybersecurity, data analytics, DevOps, and product management.
Follett Higher Education Group acquired Willo Labs, an SSO solution for instiutions to manage digital course materials within their LMS.
Onfolio Holdings acquired Proofread Anywhere, a company that offers proofreading skills courses to become a professional proofreader.
KIRKBI acquired BrainPOP, a producer of animated educational videos for K-12 students. They are in two-thirds of U.S. districts, representing over 25 million students.
Duolingo acquired Gunner Made, an illustration and animation studio.
Aztec Software acquired iGrad, a web-based financial literacy platform for financial wellness education and loan management resources used by over 1.2 million students across 500 schools and organizations.
Axcel acquired EduMind, an exam preparation business for the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) and Professional Engineer (PE) exams.
Class Technologies, Inc. acquired Anthology's Blackboard Collaborate videoconference platform that's integrated with the Blackboard LMS.
Zayo Group acquired Education Networks of America, a network connectivity, communications and cybersecurity services provider for K-12 school districts.
Cornerstone OnDemand acquired EdCast, a talent & learning experience platform for employee training and career mobility.
Ellucian acquired CampusLogic, a student financial aid solutions provider, supporting 800 higher education institutions and over 5 million students.
Veritas Capital acquired Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Company, a provider of K–12 core curriculum, supplemental and intervention solutions, and professional learning services to over 50 million students and 4 million educators across 150 countries.
Skillsoft acquired Codecademy, a global provider of online self-paced coding courses to over 40 million registered learners.
Renaissance Learning acquired KeyPhonics, a platform designed to help students in 1st - 6th grade improve early literacy.
Course Hero acquired Scribbr, a proofreading, editing, and citation service for academic writing.
Clearlake Capital acquired Discovery Education, a global provider of K-12 digital curriculum to educators and students.
SchoolStatus acquired TeachBoost, a K-12 focused edtech company that builds tools to support educator observations, evaluations, and coaching.
Savvas Learning Company acquired Rubicon Publishing, the provider of the K-8 math program MathUP.
Pearson acquired Clutch Prep, an online video-tutoring service based on college textbooks.
GoStudent acquired Seneca Learning, a UK-based homework and revision platform used by over 7 million students.
PowerSchool acquired Kinvolved, a K-12 communications platform used by over 250,000 students for attendance tracking and enagement.
Pearson acquired Credly, a platform for organizations to verify, share and manage digital badges and credentials.
Modern Campus acquired Augusoft, an enrollment management company continuing and corporate education.
Modern Campus acquired Signal Vine, a text messaging service for higher education institutions that improves student retention and persistence.
360Learning acquired Looop, a UK-based learning management system focused on automating learning and development processes.
Lightspeed Systems acquired Catchon, a K-12 learning analytics and digital tool provider.
BARBRI acquired West Academic, a print and digital publisher of casebooks, study guides, and legal materials.
Colibri acquired TeachNow, an online teacher certification preparation program and degree granting institution.
BYJU'S acquired GeoGebra, a mathematics software for geometry, algebra, spreadsheets, graphing, statistics and calculus.
PowerSchool acquired Kickboard, a behavior management solution that helps educators managed Social and Emotional Learning (SEL).
Huron Consulting Group acquired Whiteboard Higher Education, an education advising company focused on recruitment initiatives and financial aid strategies.
Veritas Capital acquired Finalsite, a global software platform that enables schools to provide a centralized digital campus to facilitate better communication and engagement.
Clarivate acquired ProQuest, a content and library services provider for universities, companies, governments, public schools and libraries.
2U acquired edX, a global online education provider through MOOCs and interactive online classes in partnership with leading institutions.
Instructure acquired Kimono, a global K-12 and higher education integration solutions developer serving over 27,000 schools and 16 million students.
McGraw-Hill Education acquired Achieve3000, a learning platform with a suite of solutions that deepen learning in literacy, math, science, and social studies.
SchoolStatus acquired Operoo, a global software provider that enables schools, clubs, and associations to automate, manage, and track operational tasks.
Blackboard merged with Anthology. Blackboard is an enterprise education technology company, most commonly known for their Blackboard learning management system.
BYJU'S acquired Tynker, a K-12 coding platform serving 100 million students across 150,000 schools.
American Public Education, Inc. acquired Rasmussen University, a private, for-profit university with over 10,000 students.
Francisco Partners acquired Follett School Solutions, the Follett Corporation's K-12 content and software division.
BYJU'S acquired Whodat, a Bengaluru-based computer vision and augmented reality startup known for its AR platform that creates immersive experiences by automatically detecting users' environments without using physical markers to overlay 3D content.
BYJU'S acquired Epic, a digital reading platform for kids under 12 - containing 40,000 digital books across 250+ publishers.
BYJU'S acquired Toppr, an edtech platform offering K-12 learning apps, school management solutions, and exam preparation tools.
BYJU'S acquired Gradeup, an online exam preparation platform that offers courses for over 150 competitive exams across 25 categories, including government jobs and postgraduate entrance exams.
BYJU'S acquired Great Learning, India's largest professional learning company serving over 9 million students in over 170 countries.
Marlin Equity acquired Learning Pool, an employee training company that provides onboarding, compliance training, and skills development for over 5 million learners each year.
BYJU'S acquired HashLearn, an online coaching platform for competitive exams, which offers free and paid subscriptions for students to access its content.
Colibri acquired BrightPath Education Services, a North Carolina provider of qualifying and continuing education for appraisal and real estate.
IXL Learning acquired WyzAnt, an online marketplace that matches students with its network of 65,000 tutors.
BYJU'S acquired Aakash Educational Services, a test prep company that provides coaching and preparation for competitive exams.
Vista Equity Partners acquired Pluralsight, a workforce development solution used by over 17,000 customers.
Gryphon Investors acquired Meazure Learning, an exam delivery and online proctoring service.
Instructure acquired Certica Solutions, a K-12 assessment and data analytics solutions company that integrates district data from multiple sources.
Pear Deck merged with GoGuardian, Pear Deck is used by 8 million educators across 17,000 schools to improve academic achievement and classroom culture.
PowerSchool acquired Hoonuit, a K-12 data management and analytics company.
Madison Dearborn Partners acquired Carnegie Learning, a K-12 personalized learning software offering assessments, curriculum and professional learning solutions.
Kahoot! acquired Actimo, a mobile platform that helps companies improve communications and connect efficiently with their employees.
Liaison International acquired TargetX, an enterprise-wide CRM solution for colleges to manage relationships with prospects, students, alumni and potential donors.
BYJU'S acquired WhiteHat Jr., a coding platform for kids - offering live 1:1 online instruction.
Thomas Bravo acquired Instructure, the company that created the learning management system Canvas.
Hotmart acquired Teachable, a marketplace for teachers to sell online courses.
IXL Learning acquired Vocabulary.com, a library of over 15,000 words and a platform to help students grow their vocabulary.
K12 Inc. acquired Galvanize, offering full-time and part-time immersive online bootcamps in software engineering and data science
Cornerstone OnDemand acquired Clustree, an artificial intelligence solution for career training and development.
Pearson acquired Smart Sparrow, a paltform that gives faculty and instructional designers tools to create adaptive courses.
IXL Learning acquired Education.com, a platform serving PK-5 students with 30,000 learning resources.
Chegg acquired Thinkful, a technology bootcamp specializing in engineering, data science, data analytics and design.
2U acquired Trilogy Education, an education company that specializes in software development bootcamps for universities.
Zovio acquired Fullstack Academy, a New York-based software development school specializing in - development, cybersecurity, data analytics, DevOps, and product management.
BYJU'S acquired Osmo, an educational game and content development company.